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Messer Helium Cliffside Keeps the Amarillo Helium System Running under Active Receivership

Texas Court of Appeals declines to supersede the receivership

Bridgewater, N.J., U.S., January 13, 2025 – On January 9, 2025, the Texas Court of Appeals agreed to dismiss Air Products Helium, Inc.’s appeal of the 108th District Court’s order placing Cliffside Refiners, L.P. (CRLP) under receivership. The dismissal follows the December 30, 2024, order from the Court of Appeals permitting the receivership to continue and denying Air Products’ request to supersede and stay the receivership order.

The court-appointed receiver is authorized to continue to operate the CRLP’s business, including Messer Helium Cliffside’s (MHC) operation of the Crude Helium Enrichment Unit (CHEU) as part of the former Federal Helium System located near Amarillo, Texas, which is owned and operated by MHC. No further interlocutory appeals of the receivership are available to any parties.

The CHEU is the critical machinery that extracts helium from the helium reservoir in Amarillo. Without the CHEU, the Helium System would be forced to shut down for several years until a new enrichment unit is built, cutting off access to privately owned helium that is stored in the System for numerous third parties.

MHC will work with the receiver to secure long-term, uninterrupted operation of the Helium System, and remains open to proposals from CRLP’s partners.

MHC maintains its commitment to the ongoing, safe and reliable operation of the Helium System to facilitate the continuous supply of helium, which plays a pivotal role in the nation’s health, safety, economic growth, and security.

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Messer Americas sales account approximately for 52% of Messer worldwide sales of $4.7 billion USD. For more information, visit: www.messeramericas.com

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