At this year’s Seafood Expo (March 12-14 in Boston), Messer will showcase technologies to help seafood farmers and processors “swim upstream” with greater throughput, less labor, and a more secure cryogen supply.
Stop by booth #788 to learn more about any of the technologies highlighted below. An interactive augmented reality experience will be available to take a closer look at these solutions!
- For high capacity IQF products like shrimp, the Messer Wave Impingement Freezer, offers the proven efficiency of nitrogen impingement combined with a fully adjustable wave-action. This newest member of the tunnel freezers family can help seafood processors boost production by up to 20-50%. The wave agitation helps prevent clumping and saves labor, while a rapid freeze can help improve adherence of glazes and sauces, ensuring an even coating and boosting product yield.
- For skin or flexible packaging, fish filets, or even sensitive products like oysters, Messer’s family of Spiral freezers offer seafood processors maximum flexibility to boost throughput within their existing production facility—even when available square footage is limited. Their low entry capital costs are well suited to the seasonal nature of many seafood processing operations. Attendees can learn about the latest improvements to our spiral freezers like the digital freezer platform, which continuously gathers freezer performance data, leveraging machine learning to provide seafood processors with unprecedented control for improved quality, greater productivity, and robust traceability.
- Compared to chilling with carbon dioxide, nitrogen blender chilling systems can be integrated for formed chill-and-freeze products and offer a more secure cryogen supply.
- Fish need oxygen to breathe too, and FARMOX™ oxygenation solutions offer Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) improved fish health, increased farming densities and faster growth. Messer’s team helps you design redundant oxygen application equipment to help protect fish populations during power outages or natural disasters.